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The ASCI Family of Companies has been providing full-service supply chain and asset management support to companies in Alaska, the continental US, and internationally since 1999.

Our clients range from small local businesses looking to increase efficiency in their purchasing processes to global organizations seeking to decrease the cost of their warehouse operations.

Why Work with ASCI?​
  • Efficient and effective supply chain and asset management implementation:

    • As of February 2021, we managed 9 indoor warehouses, 9 outdoor yards, and more than 20 secure 10-40’ containers across multiple job sites in Alaska, Ohio, and North Dakota

    • Implementation of a warehouse optimization project to reduce the customer’s total footprint by 69,000 square feet for a 32% reduction.

    • Generating more than $30.3M in cost savings over two years through inventory optimization, sourcing/transportation reductions, and cost avoidance.


  • Impeccable safety record across the ASCI Family of companies, evidenced by:

    • 0.0 Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) for the past 24 months 

    • 0.81 Experience Modifier Rating (EMR) in 2020 

    • More than 690,000 Total Man-Hours Worked Since Last Recordable Incident and more than 2.3 million hours since our last time-loss incident


  • Integrated Management System that is compliant with ISO Standards 14001:2015 (environmental), 45001:2018 (safety and occupational health), and 9001:2015 (quality)

  • Education
  • Utilities
  • Healthcare
Our services extend outside of Alaska, to continental US, as well as internationally. We developed partnerships with companies that complement our products and services, and collaborate on projects that benefit our customers from our combined efforts. Some of our current and historical clients and partners include:​
Oil Search Alaska logo- Oil and Gas Extraction Industry
Equinor Petroleum Refining Logo- developing oil, gas, wind and solar energy in more than 30 countries
BP British Petroleum Logo- British multinational oil and gas company
FSI Facility Services Incorporated logo-providing facility maintenance, operations, repairs, construction, and renovation services to U.S. Government Agencies and facilities
ExxonMobil logo- American multinational oil and gas corporation
Cook Inlet Energy Logo
State of Alaska Government logo
Unilink Solutions International Holding logo- specialized on MRO (maintenance, repair and operation) items and industrial products for asset- intensive industries
Renewal Logistics Logo- Georgia Supply Chain Warehouse Logistics/Textile Restoration
Grayson Mill Energy Texas logo- Houston-based exploration and production company focused on the acquisition and development of oil and gas assets
ConocoPhillips Alaska Logo-  Alaska's largest crude oil producer and largest owner of exploration leases
Hilcorp Alaska Logo- one of the largest, privately held exploration and production companies in the United States
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People holding rope working on a commercial fishing boat
Person operating tractor mining for materials
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